TWJN 121 | Back-to-back weeks with 50 writing opps.. aren't you lucky 😯
28 paid calls to pitch. 21 writing jobs. Early access for TWJN Supporters!
Happy Wednesday to TWJN supporters 👋🏼
How’s everyone doing? Hope you all are doing well!!
This is the weekly Supporter exclusive that gives you early access to the opportunities coming to the masses later this weekend.
And we’re off to a great start this week!
We’ve got about 20 opportunities w bigger budgets. Especially compared to last week, when it seemed like the focus was on emerging writer opps. Some big publications like Wired and Inverse have some cool pitch calls.
So, here's the Supporter Exclusive update.
✅ We’ve got a bunch of cool opps 🤑
✅ And a good few early career internships and fellowships
✅ There's gotta be something for you here!
So, what do we have in this Supporter Exclusive?
1️⃣ 13 calls to pitch, multiple $300+ opps 🤑
2️⃣ 7 writing jobs
Content in this issue is only available to TWJN Supporters.