TWJN 121 | Back-to-back weeks with 50 writing opps.. aren't you lucky 😯
28 paid calls to pitch. 21 writing jobs. Early access for TWJN Supporters!
Happy Wednesday to TWJN supporters 👋🏼
How’s everyone doing? Hope ya’ll are having a grrrreat week.
Nearly 30 opps for ya this Wednesday.. Super busy on my end with me traveling back to the UK this weekend.. but had to get the newsletter out on time!
I appreciate every single one of you 💌
Let’s get right to it! ⬇️ ⬇
So, here's the Supporter Exclusive update.
✅ We’ve got a bunch of cool opps 🤑
✅ And a good few early career internships and fellowships
✅ There's gotta be something for you here!
So, what do we have in this Supporter Exclusive?
1️⃣ 13 calls to pitch, multiple $500+ opps 🤑
2️⃣ 14 writing jobs
Content in this issue is only available to TWJN Supporters.